Akademi | Bilgi Birikimimiz
Istanbul Landfill Gas to Energy Project
This material is in English
This Paper has been presented as a “keynote paper” in IREC 2010 conference.
November 2010, Yusuf K. Gülüt, PhD EE
Abstract – Ortadogu Enerji AS of Istanbul, Turkey has undertaken the Istanbul landfill gas-to-energy project after winning the tender held by the Istanbul Municipality company ISTAC AS in March 2007. This project includes two major landfill sites, the Odayeri site situated near the Kemerburgaz and the Komurcuoda site near the Sile districts of Istanbul. Ortadogu Enerji AS has made the investment for the design, construction and operation of the two plants, and ISTAC AS receives a portion of the income of the project. Electrical energy conversion has started in December 2008, currently totaling about 15 MW in both sites, expected to reach 25 to 35 MW depending on the gas generation and collection outcome of the sites. This report provides technical details and salient features of the project. Lessons learned during the execution of the project are also presented.